Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Haven Inner City School


  1. Excellent series Grecia. That was a good idea to shoot around the school. There was plenty of structure to work with. You have a good eye for seeing shapes and light. The images with the painted mural and the wall with graffiti are poignant and interesting in a way that goes beyond structure and light. The view of the skylights is well see too.

    One thing I noticed is that your camera is having a bit of trouble with lens flare. It could be that the lens is dirty and needs cleaning or it could be just an inexpensive camera. See how the pictures are a little washed out? That's not your fault.. but do check the lens.

  2. Hi Grecia,

    I like the photos you took especially the one with the bench along the sidewalk. At first I thought it was light through the holes of the bench hitting the ground but then realized it was square things in the ground around the bench. I thought that was pretty unique and cool looking.
